Other Bible/Science Articles

God vs. Atheism – Which is More Rational? 
Does God Exist? – 4 New Arguments 

Young-Earth Creationism: A Literal Mistake – by Dick Fischer (PDF document)
Biblical Reasons to Doubt the Creation Days Were 24-hour Periods – Justin Taylor 

Gap Theory Interpretation of Genesis – by Christian Geology Ministry
Can You Be a Christian and Believe in an Old Earth? – by Greg Neyman
Dinosaur Evidence for an Old Earth – Greg Neyman 
Old Earth Belief – Greg Neyman
Progressive Creationism: The Fourth Viewpoint – An Overview – by Dale Tooley

“In The Beginning…” I Think There Was A Big Bang! – by Beverly Howard Johnson
Making Sense of the Numbers of Genesis – Carol A. Hill
The First Four Days of Genesis in Concordist Theory and in Biblical Context – by Paul H. Seely
A Theory of Creation – by Timothy Wallace (The True.Origin Archive)
Making Sense of Genesis 1 – by Rikki E. Watts
Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective – by Dr. Roger C. Wiens

In Search of the Historical Adam: Part 1 – by Dick Fischer
In Search of the Historical Adam: Part 2 – by Dick Fischer
The Garden of Eden: A Modern Landscape – by Carol A. Hill
Animal Death Before the Fall: What Does the Bible Say? – by Lee Irons
Because It Had Not Rained – by Meredith G. Kline
Death Before the Fall of Man – by Greg Neyman
Did Animals Die Before the Fall? – by Perry G. Phillips
Early Humans, Adam, and Inspiration – by Peter Rust
Why Were Dangerous Animals Created? – by David Snoke (PDF document)
Establishing Adam: Recent Evidences for a Late-Date Adam – by David L. Wilcox

The Fountains of Noah’s Flood and the Windows of Heaven (part 1) – by Christian Geology Ministry
Flood Source 2: The Windows of Heaven (part 2) – by Christian Geology Ministry
Quantitative Hydrology of Noah’s Flood – by Alan E. Hill
Qualitative Hydrology of Noah’s Flood – by Carol H. Hill
The Noachian Flood: Universal or Local? – by Carol A. Hill (PDF document)
The Mediterranean Flood – by Glenn R. Morton
Stratigraphy Blows Away Young-Earth Model – by Greg Neyman
Where Was the Flood of Noah? – by Greg Neyman 
Creation Science Takes Psalm 104:6-9 Out of Context – by Paul H. Seely
The GISP2 Ice Core: Ultimate Proof that Noah’s Flood Was Not Global – by Paul H. Seely (PDF document)
Some Relatively Non-Technical Problems With Flood Geology – by David F. Siemens, Jr.

Evidence for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry – by Michael J. Behe
Philosophical Objections to Intelligent Design: Response to Critics – by Michael J. Behe
In Defense of Intelligent Design – by William A. Dembski
Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information – by William A. Dembski
Ten Lunar Legacies: Importance of the Moon for Life on Earth – by Joseph L. Spradley

The Star of Bethlehem – by Colin Humphreys
The Star of Bethlehem: Setting the Stage #2 – The Stars and the Bible – by Rick Larson 
The Star of Bethlehem: Setting the Stage #3 – The Nine Points of Christs Star – by Rick Larson 
The Star of Bethlehem: Setting the Stage #4 – What was the Star? – by Rick Larson 

God, Order and Evolution – by John D. Callahan
Theistic Evolution – by Carl Drews
Transitional Fossils of Hominid Skulls – by Carl Drews
A Theological Argument For Evolution – by George L. Murphy
Some Problems for Theistic Evolution – by Robert C. Newman
Response to George L. Murphy. A Theological Argument For Evolution – by Fred Van Dyke
God and Evolution – by Warren Kurt VonRoeschlaub

Examples of Irreducible Complexity – The Bacterial Flagellum – Michael J. Behe 
Examples of Irreducible Complexity – The Cilium – Michael J. Behe 
Examples of Irreducible Complexity – ATP Synthase Molecule – Michael J. Behe 

Global Warming: Scientific Basis and Christian Responses – by Thomas Ackerman
13 Quotes From Hugh Ross on Biblical Inerrancy, Interpretation, and Authority – by Hugh Ross 
Does the Bible Teach a Spherical Earth? – by Robert J. Schneider

The Date of the Crucifixion – by Colin J. Humphreys and W.Graeme Waddington
Revelation Was Written Before 70 AD – by Greg Kiser
Are Chimps 98.5% Human? – by John N. Clayton
The Church of Darwin – by Phillip E. Johnson
What is Darwinism? – by Phillip E. Johnson
The Missing Link that Wasn’t – by Nancy R. Pearcey
Was Darwin a Christian? – by Michael Roberts, Vicar of Chirk, Wales UK
Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher about Evolution – by Jonathan Wells
Deepening Darwin’s Dilemma – by Jonathan Wells
The Creation of Man and the Evolutionary Record – by J. Raymond Zimmer